Kyle and I would joke that we were “Champagne Charlie on a Beer Man’s Wage”. My father calls me Lady Di (after Princess Dianne of Wales) because I have always appreciated the finer things in life. One of my very favourite Champagnes is Moet Chandon. It appears at most of our special family times and although Kyle called it “like drinking cat’s piss” it never stopped him from partaking. These couple of photos of he and I together in the Limo and at his sister’s wedding reception are the result of the Moet. So when I went to spend some time at the Crash Site on Mother’s day, I took a letter I had written to him as well as a bottle of Moet for me and a Cornona for him (his favourite beer).
Knowing it would be a hard day, my beautiful daughter gave me a special gift from Kyle, a card and additions to my grandchildren necklace, including Kyle on the back. Very thoughtful and