Life of Kyle · Ways We Remember Kyle

Birthday Celebration of Kyle’s Life – 23rd Nov 2016


They say the first year that someone has gone is the hardest, and Kyle’s birthday on Wed 23rd Nov 2016 would have been his 31st. I was overseas on my 12 month honeymoon for his 30th birthday, and although we spoke on the phone, we had intended to have a special dinner when I got back in March 2016.
Of course with his sudden death on 24.1.2016, that never happened. So on what would have been his 31st birthday we decided to have a Celebration of his Life. I bought some decorations, including some beautiful yellow roses (Friesa and Soul Mate) to place around his Waterfeature (that we purchased for his 6 month anniversary). I bought Ember Tealight Ball Candles with the Sandlewood and Kafir Lime scent that we had surrounding his coffin at his funeral as a gift for each visitor to take a momento gift from Kyle. We watched the DVD of his life that we showed at the Funeral and everyone toasted with Champagne to his life. It was very civilised as we all shared happy stories and tales amongst the sadness at him not being with us. It was disappointing that none of his friends showed up….but there were behind the scenes things going on with his girlfriend so that explained that! In any case it was not nice of them to do that to Kyle, and his family, but it shows the merit of who true friends really are. It hurt me greatly that little Cash was not there. I’m sure Kyle was with us and sees all.