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This Website is really a private memorial site for my son, Kyle Stephen Herriott-Evans, who died tragically in a motorbike accident on 24.1.2016 at the young age of just 30 years old. The tragedy is further compounded by the fact that just 7 weeks later his first, and only child, Cash Kyle Herriott, was born on 13.03.2016. The day I held little Cash for the first time, it took me back 30 years, as he looked just like his Dad!


Unfortunately, Grief and Loss can bring out the very worst in people and after 10 months of nurturing Kyle’s girlfriend into our family and treating her as if she were my daughter-in-law, things fell apart when I said “No” to her for the first time over my son’s ashes. As a result, she is currently withholding my grandson, now almost 9 months old, from our family and whilst there are legal options, no one really wins, especially the child involved. My first priory is, and will always be, the welfare of my Grandson…so at this point in time I am putting what I believe is in his best interest above my own and will not treat him as a commodity, to be pulled between two waring women. His Mother will have to live with her own conscience knowing it would be against my son’s wishes…….and for the cruel way she has treated me. Karma will come in time. I am certain she will try to poison my Grandson against me….but I will say no more about her.

Cash will not be a little boy forever, and if he is anything like his Father, and I suspect he very much will be, there will be a time he will rebel and seek out the other side of his bloodline. When he does this website will help him find us, show him a lot of what he might like to know, let him know how much we love and think of him in the meantime, whilst we wait to see him again. Hopefully, it will reassure him he is, and always will be an essential and pivotal part our family….we are waiting patiently for you Cash! Trust your instincts, your Dad will guide you back to us as you grow and become your own person and make your own decisions. Never doubt, you will always have our love and support. We are here for you whenever you want and when you are ready.

When I visited my son in the morgue in Perth, Western Australia, I promised him I would look after his son (we knew it was a little boy and Kyle had already named him), and make sure he knew about his Father and his family….I am my son’s memory keeper and it is my duty and obligation to help his son, Cash, come to know Kyle as ONLY I, his Mother, can share…..no one else on this planet knows the history, intricacies and complexities that was my son as well as I do……this website will help me to keep that promise, as best I can under the most difficult of circumstances. 

There are really two sections ….”The Life of Kyle” and “Messages for Cash”…. Sometimes of course the two will intertwine very closely…..it’s the best I can do for now my little “Gingernut Biscuit”…..love YaYa xoxo

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