Easter Rocks 2017 · Messages for Cash

Easter Rocks 2017 – Signed Sealed and Delivered!

My little Cash, your cousins, Amy and Connor had a special kind of Easter Hunt adventure this year….Facebook (a social media site) started a craze where people were paining rocks and hiding them in local parks for kids to find. Your Aunty Neena thought it was a good idea and asked for my help….so these were the results of our efforts, I only wish you could have been part of the fun too.

On Easter Sunday, on my way to your Aunty Neen’s house, I passed one of your Dad’s mates houses (he lives just down the road from me) and I thought I saw a child that might be you in the garden. My heart skipped a beat and I double backed to have another look, but it wasn’t you…my heart sank. I think of you so often my little Ginger Nut biscuit, and wish so much that I could see you and hold you again. We all love you and miss you. xxxx