Dragonflies · Life of Kyle · Messages for Cash · Ways We Remember Kyle

Look out for Dragonfly Messages

Every two years I get to upgrade my phone on my Optus Contract (I’ve been with them since 1995). This year I upgraded to the new iPhone 8 Plus but in doing so I had problems. You see they told me to back my old phone up to my iMac, which I did. Then sync the new phone to it, which I did. But it brought across and old iinet email I haven’t used since 2015 as my apple ID and I just couldn’t get rid of it, apple kept wanting passwords to an account which no longer existed on the system. So I was pretty jammed up. Long story short I spent 4 hours on the phone to tech support on Friday who eventually told me I needed to wipe it – I didn’t want to for obvious inconvenience reasons with contacts etc, but also because it would clear old messages from Kyle. I went into to check them and realised that he had changed phone numbers whilst I was overseas and I had deleted his old number to avoid confusion, which also deleted his messages! I was devastated! So I reluctantly agreed to wipe the phone, reset it and start over.
This turned out to be again IMPOSSIBLE because of this password/old apple ID problem. Vince (who is an IT Manager) played around with it for about 5 hours that night. Then finally he was on the phone the next morning with tech support (I had had enough) and spent around another 4 hours but eventually they were able to wipe the phone to start over new without the backup. They were also able to retrieve 650 odd OLD contacts for me from iCloud (which I avoid). This was going to be a pain to try to clean it up, as many of them were deleted previously and it meant that I had to get rid of those and also try to add in the NEWER contacts that were missing from my old phone, manually! WHAT A PAIN!
I went outside on the verge of tears with the whole mess, when I saw a huge dragonfly, it flew so close to me and kept coming back to me. I thought about running inside for the camera but realised I would miss the whole thing if I did, so I just stood there and watch it dance it’s beautiful dance around me and the front garden, before it flew off. For some reason I suddenly felt calmer and resolved about my situation.
I went back inside and started the long process of cleaning up the contacts on my phone – when I got to Kyle I realised that my iPhone 8 plus had his OLD NUMBER. I wondered if it was possible to retrieve the old messages, I crossed my fingers and gave it a shot – and guess what, they all came streaming back – I was in tears as I read them – especially the ones where he tells me he loves me, and even one when he said sorry for missing my engagement party (Kyle hardly ever said sorry!). The whole phone fiasco suddenly faded away and I felt thankful for the Dance of the Dragonfly which I felt was from Kyle, and then the return of those loving messages – it made it seem, just for a moment, that he was back and I was having a conversation with him. Beautiful!


I’m sure he sends messages to his little son, Cash as well. So watch out for those Dragonflies from your Dad (Kyle)!