Cash's Birthday · Messages for Cash

Cash’s 2nd Birthday without his Dad’s Family

Well my little Gingernut Biscuit, I’m sad to say we are still not welcome to share in your special day with you. It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that our family will celebrate it in our own ways – hopefully one day we will get to share it with you in person.

Never ever, EVER, think you are forgotten, Cash, or that we don’t want to be with you on your Birthday my little one – nothing could be further from the truth. We love you and miss you very much.

I hope that you enjoy this special day whatever you are doing – know that our love and thoughts are with you always and especially today. It’s hard to believe you are two years old already and that I have not seen or held you since Oct 2016. It’s nothing short of criminal!!!! I have sent a text to all of the other side of your family, and a couple of your Dad’s close friends, to ask if one of them will wish you a Happy Birthday from your Dad’s family – I hope one of them does.

Honestly, I really, really, do try to not think ill of the other side of your family Cash, because that isn’t healthy for anyone, especially you – and you are, and always will be, my main concern. But I have to admit some days I find it harder to be the bigger person, and today is certainly one of them.

I call on the Lords of Karma to sort it out for me, your Father and the rest of his side of your family. Your bloodline family! We are here waiting for you my Darling – you won’t be little forever and I know you will come looking for us.

Love you to the moon and back my little Ginger Nut Biscuit – I hope you have a wonderful and magical 2nd BIRTHDAY!

MUCH LOVE your YaYa & Family XOXO

Partridge’s, Yeu’s and Herriott’s, 4 Generations of your family, at Piper’s Christening, 24th Feb 2018 – She is wearing the “family” Christening Gown, the one your Dad, Kyle, was Christened in 1985 and your Aunty Neena (Christina) was Christened in 1984. All three of her children, Amy, Connor and now Piper, have worn it – we would have loved you to have as well. x

Your Aunty Neena and Uncle Yee named Piper to honour your Father, Kyle, with the name “Kye” – Piper Siew Kye Yeu. She had her first birthday afterwards…..and we all missed you not being there to share this family event.