Life of Kyle · Ways We Remember Kyle

Visits to Kyle’s Crashsite – Error on Plaque 21.11.2017

All this time I have been visiting the crash site (pics below are from 9th July 2017, (Aug/Sept/Oct hospital) 5th Nov and 21st Nov 2017) since the new cross went up on Cash’s birthday (13/3/2017) and only today did I notice that the date is wrong!

When my sister Jacky brought it down from Darwin and got the plaque engraved, I noticed it straight away, that it should have been the 23rd not the 28th Nov 1985. She had a new one made, at great expense, and don’t ask me how, but somehow in the transferring over the wrong one must have gotten reattached and the new one thrown out!  Christina is on the 28th Aug, so somehow her date and Kyle’s has been mixed up – I wonder if it is his way of letting us know he wants to stay connected to her? It’s left me in a bit of a dither as to whether or not I should change it. Obviously we will make sure the date is correct on his official memorial at Pinneroo, but I’m just not sure what to do about the cross at the crash site now.