Ancestral Connection Meditation · Messages for Cash

Ancestral Connection Meditation for Cash Kyle Herriott

Hello my little Gingernut Biscuit, it’s your Ya Ya here.

I know you are just little still (2yr old), but I wanted to write this meditation for you in anticipation of when you are old enough to find this website, and feel ready to reconnect with you Dad’s family. I know you have lots of other people around you who love you – your “pretend” aunties, uncles and cousins, maybe even a pretend “grandma” by now. But I want you to know that no matter how wonderful they may be, they can NEVER fill the place of your father’s family in your life, you will always feel the gap of something missing. A part of you that is incomplete. We are your ancestry, your heritage and your blood line. Our links with you are at the deepest soul level, primal and fierce. You are, and always will be, connected to your Father’s blood, for without him you would not be here in physical form, and without me he would not have been here and so on… you see we are karmicly created to always be connected by the strongest of bonds, blood.

Your Dad’s family loves you very, very much Cash, and we are very sad that we are being prevented from physically being with you. I have written you a letter explaining everything in detail, that I hope to be able to give to you one day, so you can understand the very difficult decision we made to not let you be a pawn in a legal battle, for your good, not ours – it pains me every single day that I don’t see you.

But I have a secret to share with you, no matter how hard other people work at keeping us apart, we are really still connected and always will be, even though physically we can’t see each other at the moment, energetically we are still connected. The true essence of who we are is in the form of pure white light energy, all sparkly and beautiful. I reach out to you each night before I go to sleep and send you my loving vibrations and protective shields around you to keep you safe. I know it’s not the same as a physical hug, but it is still an energetic hug and cuddle we can share and for now it’s the best I can do. When you are bigger you will be able to do the same, if you choose to, until the time comes that we can physically be reunited and I know it will come. Your highlander determination will blossom and you will not be denied your birthrights – you are your father’s son and he would never stand for such injustice and neither will you. That much I am certain of – you will seek us out.

In the meantime, if you are ever feeling sad or alone, or in need of comfort, your Dad’s family is here for you on the Earth Plane, and he is always by your side in the Spiritual Plane. It’s hard to understand I know, but trust your instincts and what you “feel” inside Cash….remember you share our blood, you are one of us. Until we can be together again in person, here is a meditation I have been guided by your Father to write for you, to help you connect with us.

Get into a comfortable position, you can lay down or just sit, but just ensure that your physical body is comfortable and can relax so it will not distract your concentration. Gently close your eyes, and focus your attention at a point just behind the spot where your eyebrows would meet in the middle of your forehead, if they joined there. Now focus a few centimetres up from there, this will be just above the eyebrow line and in the middle of the forehead. This is your Third Eye Chakra and it is where we can use our intuition to connect with each other and others in spirit. You don’t need to be frightened at all because always know that your Father is there for you Cash, and he would never let anything bad happen to you. I also have protections around you and our family, and you are totally safe….so don’t be scared, or anxious, just relax and trust.

Now take a deep breath into your lungs through your nose, and as you do push out your belly. This lowers your diaphragm and lets more oxygen into your body. Then as you breathe out through your mouth, let your belly fall down again and all your cares, worries, stress or tension just release from your body with the breath out. Start to feel your physical body softening and relaxing as you breath this way………. in and out………….in and out………well done. Now just keep breathing slowly, but normally, keeping this nice, gentle, relaxed state in your body.

Now I want you to visualize, imagine, picture or pretend that you can see in your minds eye a ball of white light forming inside the centre of your chest. It doesn’t matter how you do this, just pretend if you need to, with practice you’ll find what works for you. This is where your heart chakra is, the energy that is filled with unconditional love for yourself, others and the universe. It is what connects us all. I want you to watch this beautiful crystal, white, pure ball of light condense into a shape that starts to look like a football. If you can’t actually “see” a football don’t worry, just sense or know that it is there. Remember there is no right or wrong way to do this meditation, just go with what feels right for you. You are unique and special, and will do things in your own way Cash, and that’s totally okay.

Now I want you to visualize, imagine, picture or pretend that this amazing ball of light energy is coming out of your body and into your hands. As you feel its amazing and loving energy in your hands, I want you to think of your Father’s Family. It doesn’t matter if you don’t remember what we look like, just think of us in your heart and we will connect. Think of me, your YaYa, your Dad’s Mother, your Aunty Neen (Christina), your Dad’s older Sister, your cousins, Amy 6 yrs old, Connor 4 years old and Piper 1 year old. Now think of my Sister, your Granty (Great Aunty) Jack, my parents, Nana and Grandad Jock, and finally think of your Father, my son, Kyle Stephen Herriott-Evans. There are many other members of your bloodline, but for now just concentrate on these few who were closest to your Dad to start with.   Now deep in your heart, I want you to feel with all your might that you want to connect to us, it can be all of us, or just one, it’s up to you. When you feel the energy you are putting out from your heart is strong enough, I want to you kick or throw that football with all your might, feel it whizzing through time and space as you send it out, breaking all barriers, to split into however many shards of light you wanted to be able to reach each and every person you thought of. So if it’s all of the people above, it will split into 9 separate footballs, one for each of us to catch. If you just want to connect with one of us for now, then it will stay as one solid football.

Now see the hands of the other person, or people, waiting to catch that ball you sent, and when they do, they will feel the love and connection you are sending to them. Now they will kick or throw it back to you, and when they do, you will feel the warmth of our love and connection fill your little body up to the brim, overflowing. Enveloping you in the love of your Father’s legacy, your blood line and ancestry. There is so much to share with you my little one, when the time is right.

For now just know this connection is always open to you if you want it, and you are always in our thoughts and hearts, we will never let you go, we are here for you even though we can’t physically see you.

Just rest for a few moments now, enjoying the warmth and relaxation of pure unconditional love from your Father’s family and when you are ready gently open your eyes, wriggle your fingers and toes, and return to the real world.

Cash, this is a wonderful meditation to do before you go to sleep and know that we can also visit on the astral or dream plane too, if you want to you just need to put your intention out to the Universe before going off to sleep.

Love you to the moon and back, always and forever, YaYa xxx