Life of Kyle · Ways We Remember Kyle


I don’t really like Facebook and tend to not go in there too much – but its useful for my business (Celtic Healing and West Coast Photos (WA)) and also for connecting with family overseas (UK and USA). I saw a post a friend had put up about “Rainbow Children” and it really touched me so I actually shared the post and commented about my two Rainbow Children. My first pregnancy was a miscarriage/erpc and they thought I might not be able to have more children. But without any trouble getting pregnant for a second time, I had Christina – so she was s rainbow child. My third pregnancy was ectopic and I almost died as it was misdiagnosed as a miscarriage. It was a big risk trying for another child but I desperately wanted another baby and sibling for Christina, so against the odds, I got pregnant a forth time and had Kyle – so he is also a rainbow child! Now when I look at rainbows I see them in a whole new light!