Cash's Birthday · Messages for Cash

Happy 3rd Birthday Cash!

Well my little Cashy-Washy, I can’t believe today you will be turning 3 years old. I remember your Dad clearly at that age – super cute and super cheeky! I’m guessing you will be the exactly the same – it breaks my heart that your mother is still withholding you from our family. We are missing out on so much with you and you are missing out on so much with us. It was your little cousin Piper’s birthday on the 7th March (she turned 2) and you were missed at the family celebrations by everyone, and today, whatever way you are celebrating we wish we were there with you in person. But just know we will all be there with you in spirit, sending our unconditional love and hugs to you on this special day! Miss you to the Moon and Back my little ginger nut biscuit!

Here’s a painting we had done in Bali last month to show you your Dad is always with you and looking after you my Angel. I have to say it’s not the best likeness but it does give a representation of you both. love YaYa xxxx

Kyle and Cash (Painting by Tut Marley Bali Indonesia)