Messages for Cash

Injured YaYa 2019

Since Kyle’s death, the snow-ball of tragedy and ill health has plagued our family, my own health has suffered including several major surgeries (5 so far and another due in June) and ongoing pain for almost 2 years from shingles, my husband with prostate cancer, my father’s near fatal accident, my daughter with an ectopic pregnancy and the death of my in-laws. Life has not been easy for us. Even though I live every day in grief, to be honest every time I post on Kyle’s website it emotionally drains me as it takes me back to the raw, immediate grief and loss of Kyle and not seeing Cash. So forgive me my Darling Cash if the posts get a bit out of order or take a while to appear, just know that you are always in our thoughts and hearts every day and in all we do as a family – you are never forgotten and neither is your Dad.

My latest adventure was a much needed break to Bali for a fortnight. We had a lovely time including a romantic valentines day only to be followed by disaster on our 6th day (15th Feb 2019) when I fell shopping for sarongs receiving a compound fracture to my left leg breaking both my Tib and Fib! Everyone was as helpful as they could be including your Grandad Vince who used his shirt as a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. I had emergency surgery in Bali (very brave I thought!!!) and spent 4 days in hospital until the Surgeon cleared me to fly home to Perth. So that’s why many of the photos from Feb – May show me in a wheelchair, on crutches or with a walking stick (I might be your YaYa but I’m NOT that old just yet!)

Slowly recovering 3 months later