Cash's Birthday · Messages for Cash

Cash’s 7th Birthday

WOW – It’s hard to believe my Little Gingernut Biscuit is 7 today. I had hoped your mother would have seen reason by now and allowed our family to see you and be involved in your life, especially on such a special day! I often wonder what you look like now, the last time I saw you and held you in my arms you were just a baby of around 7 months. You looked so much like your dad, Kyle, at that time that I think you probably do look like he did when he was 7, so I searched for old photos of him and found some of his birthdays – 3yrs old, 5 years old, 6 years old and 7 years old – like you today! We obviously celebrated all his birthdays growing up but over the years and moving houses things have been misplaced.

Kyle’s 3rd Birthday, with his sister, Christina aged 5 years old. He was so tall people thought they were twins.
Kyle’s 5 Birthday was celebrated at his School where I worked, and then later a party at Hungry Jacks.
Kyle’s 6th Birthday Party was at the Roller Skating Rink in Darwin with his friends.
Kyle’s 7th Birthday Party – with his sister Christina 9yrs old, he was still keeping up to her height!

So my darling Cash, this is what your Dad looked like on his 7th Birthday, tall, lanky, with blond hair, great teeth and a cheeky smile. I wonder if you will be anything like this? I hope one day when you are old enough you will find this website and find your father’s family…me (your YaYa), Grandad Vince, Aunty Christina, Uncle Lee and your cousins Amy 11yrs, Connor 8yrs and Piper 6 years, as well as you Great Aunty Jack, and Nana and Grandad Jock (your Dad’s Grandparents). We all love you and think of you every day – and especially on this day we wish you a wonderful birthday where all your dreams can come true. XXX