Kyle's Memorial Pinnaroo · Life of Kyle

An Urn Gone Wrong!

When we last visited Kyle’s Memorial Rock in Zamia Court at Pinnaroo, we found the ceramic insert of one of his granite flower urns was broken. This had previously happened to the other one and I had repaired it sometime ago, but now previously intact one was damaged in the same way. Not sure how this happens – perhaps when the many kangaroos in that area try to eat the flowers the insert might bang against the granite and break – just a theory! In any case we took it home to repair it and today I came to put it back along with some flowers – just because!

I had gone by myself, as Vince had to stay home looking after our new puppy, Daisy, who can’t be left alone or unsupervised at this point.

Daisy 16wks, Whisky 2yrs & Cebar 11 years (has bladder cancer) with Karen (Kyle’s Mum & Cash’s YaYa)

However, I’m sad to say that when I got to Kyle’s rock I found a strange blue jelly kind of strip along the side of his plaque in a gap between it and the actual rock surface – which unnerved me. As I approached I initially thought it might be something the cemeteries board had done – maybe the rock was breaking up or something, but then I realised it was a vandalisation by someone – probably kids given its in Zamia Court. As I leaned forward to remove it, my arms were still filled with flowers, a water container, my mobil phone to take a photo and of course the ceramic insert. Unfortunately, the latter slipped and fell, smashing onto the ground! I felt both angry and devastated. I have brought the insert home again, but to be honest am not hopeful I can repair it this time – if not I will need to try to source a suitable replacement.

I felt so bad about dropping the insert as I went back to my car, and interestingly a grey kangaroo (who had been looking on as the fiasco had unfolded at Kyle’s rock) started following me back to the car, and just stood there looking at me for the longest time. I didn’t feel threatened at all, in fact it gave me a peaceful sense that I wasn’t alone – someone could see I was upset and cared! I think Kyle may have sent him to remind me that you can only go forward (Kangaroos can’t go backwards it’s physically impossible).