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Christmas 2023 & NY 2024

Another year gone without Kyle and Cash to celebrate Christmas with our family. It’s also my first without my faithful companion, Cebar (12yrs) who went to Rainbow Bridge on 16.10.23 after his fight with bladder cancer.

Christmas Day is always busy at Pinnaroo, so we went on Christmas Eve with my Mum and Dad who were down from Darwin for a visit to put flowers and pay our respects.

However, I think Kyle had a hand in making sure I forgot to take the small Christmas Tree I got for him – so I ended up having to go back early on Christmas Day with just Vince and I to put it there – only to discover the kangaroos had demolished the flowers put there just the evening before!

This will be our last Christmas in the Tapping house so the house has all the Christmas decorations and lights up! With ailing health and a struggling photography business, Vince and I have decided to try to retire or at least semi-retire and to do so we need to sell this house and downsize. Turning adversity into opportunity we will move somewhere cooler and suited to having chickens, growing veggies and having a bit of space around us. I have always wanted a home with a real fireplace and we currently have an offer (subject to sale) on an ideal property in Mount Barker WA, just 30 min from Albany. Hopefully our home will sell early in the New Year and we can make the move in the first quarter of 2024. At least that’s the plan at this point.

Leaving Tapping has it bitter points – it’s the last house that Kyle, Cash and my dog Cebar were in. It also means I wont be able to visit Pinnaroo very often, and realistically unlikely to get to Gidgiganup or Peasham St dog beach to connect with Kyle. I think I will take the plaque from Gidgiganup with me and plant a tree in the new house – so at least I have somewhere to visit with Kyle – everyday!!!! See adversity into opportunity – that has to be the mindset to get through this.

Of course moving also means we will see less of Christina and the Grandchildren and other friends and family – but we will all have to make an effort to see each other as much as we can.

I don’t know what Kyle would say about me moving 5 hours away from Perth if he was still alive, but I know that wherever I am he will be close by. In fact he did give us signs about the property in Mount Barker – so I think he approves! Fingers Crossed! I hope one day Cash will be able to come to our new house – remember we love you to the moon and back my Gingernut Biscuit! Love YaYa X

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